Technology & the Future of Community Care Project Report 2012

Building on the CSIRO Community Care 24/7 Scenarios, we look in more depth at the role of technology in community care in Australia to 2030.

Client: Regional Development Australia, Sydney


Scenarios for 2040:
‘A rich, provocative, imaginative, and rigorous guide to thinking about the future’

Buy Now, or
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New Impressions

Scenarios for the future of graphic technology in Australia to the year 2013.

Client: RMIT Melbourne

Alternative Futures

Scenarios for Business in Australia to the year 2015 - Report from GBN Australia for the Australian Business Foundation.

Client: The Australian Business Foundation

The Ancient Mariner Scenario Book

For urban water management towards 2030.

Client: Ku-Ring-Gai Council

Teaching for Uncertain Futures

The Open Book Scenarios - a project exploring possible futures for teaching.

Client: Teaching Australia

Footprints of the Future

Richard Neville's handbook for the third millennium. The future can no longer be taken for granted - it needs to be rescued.

The Bookends Scenarios

What are the futures for public libraries, and how with they adapt to them?

Client: State Library of NSW

Scenarios for the Future of Brands

in collaboration with Principals & What's Next.

The Community Care 24/7 Scenarios

Alternative futures for community care in Australia to the year 2030.

Client: CSIRO

The BISG Scenarios

Four scenarios for the future of the book industry in Australia to the year 2030.

Client: The Book Industry Strategy Group

The Game Changer Scenarios

Explores alternative futures for lotteries and online gaming. Client

Client: The Atlantic Lottery Corporation Canada

Role of Business & Community in Reinventing Australia

A manifesto for Reinvent Australia regarding the role played by the community and businesses in making Australia better.

By: Oliver Freeman

Scenario Planning As An Experiential Exercise

in social, reflexive, and transformational learning.

Futures: Learning The Future Faster

Scenarios for the client in scenario planning projects.

People, Scenarios and Innovation

As published in 'Inside the Innovation Matrix — finding the hidden human dimensions'

ABC Interview

An audio of a recent radio interview with Oliver Freeman on ABC network, Australia.

The Foresight Saga (ABC)

The importance of foresight in our intellectual, social, political and emotional lives as we engage with the growing uncertainties of the 21st century.

Vision & Uncertainty

Oliver Freeman discusses scenario planning on 'Strategy Tube'.

Download a PDF of the discussion here.

Reinvent Australia Launch

Oliver Freeman talks at the launch of the collaborative initiative Reinvent Australia.